"Joe" yearling Parasaurolophus
Parasaurolophus baby.jpg
"Joe" yearling Parasaurolophus
"Joe" yearling Parasaurolophus

I used Zbrush to create this model of a baby hadrosaur, and Photoshop to composite the rendered image.  This project came about when I donated my reconstruction services to the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's annual auction, and the winning bidder was paleontologist Andy Farke, who was working with the great fossil skeleton that this digital model is based upon, nicknamed "Joe".

Farke, A. A., D. J. Chok, A. Herrero, B. Scolieri, and S. Werning. 2013. Ontogeny in the tube-crested dinosaur Parasaurolophus (Hadrosauridae) and heterochrony in hadrosaurids. PeerJ 1:e182. http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.182

Parasaurolophus baby.jpg